Tag: Self Love

How To Break Free

Breaking free from an abusive relationship is about more than just having the courage to do so. If you don’t do the work needed to break the mental pattern, you will continue to attract the same type of person into your life.   Trust me, I know.   My life was like an episode of Groundhog Day – just with…

My Journey To Self-Love

For the next few months, I will be sharing a series of posts centred around an amazing campaign, which I’ve become a part of, as an Influencer. Choma (a South African-ism meaning ‘friend’) is an NGO focused on empowering young women. Their recent campaign, #DoneWithSilence, is an inspiring initiative which aims to break down silence and give women (and men)…

Honouring The Divine Masculine

There’s an unspoken truth we’ve turned a blind eye to. Which I’m not prepared to remain quiet about any longer. I’ve personally witnessed the destruction this lie has amassed and I’ve seen many spirits break as a result.   The lie I refer to is the way in which we’ve been taught to regard men and the standard in which…

Who Are You…Before The World Taught You Who To Be?

There is a fundamental need that we possess, which we aren’t talking about. It’s the need to tell the truth. Our individual truth. The voice we try to suppress and drown out. This past week, two celebrities committed suicide within days of each other, shocking their friends and families, all of whom assumed that these people were happy. When you’re…