Breaking free from an abusive relationship is about more than just having the courage to do so. If you don’t do the work needed to break the mental pattern, you will continue to attract the same type of person into your life. Trust me, I know. My life was like an episode of Groundhog Day – just with…
Mainstream TV has popularised dysfunctional relationships under the guise of passion. The more intense the connection, the more insanely jealous you become, the more passionate the relationship, the deeper the love. This is the flawed premise upon which all our relationship ideals are based. The proverbial bad-boy is the one we want, at any age. Always, to our detriment. …
For the next few months, I will be sharing a series of posts centred around an amazing campaign, which I’ve become a part of, as an Influencer. Choma (a South African-ism meaning ‘friend’) is an NGO focused on empowering young women. Their recent campaign, #DoneWithSilence, is an inspiring initiative which aims to break down silence and give women (and men)…
For the next few months, I will be sharing a series of posts centred around an amazing campaign, which I’ve become a part of, as an Influencer. Choma (a South African-ism meaning ‘friend’), a project of HIVSA NPO is focused on empowering young women. Their recent campaign, #DoneWithSilence, is an inspiring initiative which aims to break down silence and…
It’s no secret that I’ve always been slightly agnostic about religion. I don’t subscribe to indoctrination. I don’t feel inclined to perform rituals based on antiquated beliefs and I don’t actually indulge in conversations with people about religion because it becomes so highly contentious. Also, I have little respect for hypocrisy and the people who advocate what is “right” and…
Over the last few days I’ve learnt some very important lessons, the biggest of which was discovered today: Grace follows me wherever I go, No act of kindness and love is ever lost, We are all exactly the same fundamentally. I happened upon these lessons in a very beautiful way. It began a few days ago when I…
There’s an unspoken truth we’ve turned a blind eye to. Which I’m not prepared to remain quiet about any longer. I’ve personally witnessed the destruction this lie has amassed and I’ve seen many spirits break as a result. The lie I refer to is the way in which we’ve been taught to regard men and the standard in which…
A couple of months ago, a very special friend of mine got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis – a potentially disabling disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. My friend is in her late 20’s and was relatively well until this diagnosis. When I heard about it, my immediate and instinctive reaction was grief and sorrow for what the future…
Can we be true to ourselves even if that means failing another? That is a question that I have been plagued with. The more I choose to love myself and vote for myself first, the more complex it becomes for everyone else. This act of juggling and choosing to serve me or serve others leaves me exhausted, with a dire…
I’ve been mulling over the concept of integrity over the last few days. More than just HAVING it, how many of us actually LIVE with it? I know for a fact that I like to think I do, but I don’t. Not consistently anyway. And it’s hard but necessary to tell that truth. Living with integrity means more to me…